The Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be on Monday, April 25th at 7:00pm at All Saints Parish in Lansing.
Meet the candidates running for seats on the Board of Trustees.
Learn about what the library has planned for the coming year. All are encouraged to attend.
All Saints is located at 347 Ridge Road, across the street from the Lansing Middle School.
The Annual Budget Vote and Trustees Election will take place on Tuesday, April 26th at the Lansing Community Library (downstairs) from 10:00am – 7:00pm.
If you will be out of town or are unable to vote in person, Absentee Ballots will be available at the library beginning April 1st.
Absentee ballots may be returned:
-via mail
-dropped off in the locked book return
-returned during curbside pickup hours